Start by logging in with the manager account for you pool.
After logging in click on "Curriculum Settings".
Select the level group for the level you want to edit.
Click on the name of the level you want to edit.
On this page you can edit the level. Here is what each of the settings do.
Level Name: This is the name of the level that instructors and parents see.
Next Level: This is the next level in the swim program. This is used to tell swimmers what level to enroll in when they finish the level.
Image: This is the logo for the level. The image is displayed on report cards.
Skill Checklist
This is the list of skills that swimmers must complete in order to finish the level. Place 1 skill per line. If you want a heading, simply place an equals sign (=) at the start of the line. Subheadings can be created by placing two equals signs (==) at the start of the line. e.g.
=Personal Skills
Know pool and class rules
Walk away from the wall, turn, grab the wall with assistance OR
Let go of the wall, swim/paddle, turn, grab the wall with assistance
Gain self-confidence
Interpret core values (caring, honesty, respect, responsibility)
Enjoy a game
Special Completion Text: This message will appear instead of the usual completion text for reports of this level when swimmers complete the level. This is typically used for the final level of different groups to direct people on what the next step is based on age, or to advertise swim teams or lifeguarding programs for kids who finish the last level in the normal swim program.
Special Incomplete Text: This message will appear instead of the usual incomplete text for reports of this level.
Strengths & Weaknesses: Any skills that you check off will be available for instructors to select when they are creating comments for report cards. Limiting the number of options helps instructors to quickly select strengths that are applicable for their swimmer. For example, you wouldn't want "Blowing Bubbles" to appear for an adult swim class, and you don't want "Breast Stroke" to appear for Parent and Tot.